纳粹掠夺的黄金藏在哪里,希特勒是否精神失常,U-513潜艇为何失事,纳粹副元首鲁道夫·赫斯为何孤身飞往英国,本片讲述希特勒第三帝国最后的秘密。 Information Last Secrets of the Third Reich: Series 1 What happened to trainloads worth of Nazi-gold at the end of WW2? How much truth is in the idea that Hitler’s personal physician was gradually poisoning him with medication? What happened to the lost submarine U-513? Why did Hitler’s deputy Rudolf Hess make a fateful flight to the United Kingdom in 1941? And how did secret intelligence missions work in an age before modern technology? These are just some of the myster