
“这与那个成正比”职场英语“in direct proportion”


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“取消我下的订单”职场英语“cancel the order I placed”App02:37
“取消我下的订单”职场英语“cancel the order I placed”
“这与那个成正比”职场英语“in direct proportion”App02:39
“这与那个成正比”职场英语“in direct proportion”
“助某人一臂之力”职场英语“give sb a leg up in sth”App03:34
“助某人一臂之力”职场英语“give sb a leg up in sth”
“最划算的事情”职场英语“the most cost-effective thing”App02:36
“最划算的事情”职场英语“the most cost-effective thing”
“换句话说”职称英语如何讲 “to put it another way”App01:48
“换句话说”职称英语如何讲 “to put it another way”
我知道你驳回/否决了重做实验,但是”职场英语 dismiss doingApp02:40
我知道你驳回/否决了重做实验,但是”职场英语 dismiss doing
这个不太理想,但是……”职场英语“this is not idealApp02:09
这个不太理想,但是……”职场英语“this is not ideal
采取观望态度”职场英语“take a wait and see approach”App01:40
采取观望态度”职场英语“take a wait and see approach”
“总体幸福感”职场英语“general sense of well-being”App01:56
“总体幸福感”职场英语“general sense of well-being”
他具备所有条件来完成这笔交易”职场英语“have what it takesApp01:41
他具备所有条件来完成这笔交易”职场英语“have what it takes
我们公司在满意度排名第一”职场英语“rank number 1 in satisfiApp02:06
我们公司在满意度排名第一”职场英语“rank number 1 in satisfi
我想请教一下你的意见”职场英语“pick your brain about sthApp00:58
我想请教一下你的意见”职场英语“pick your brain about sth
我认为不能仅靠价格夺取市场份额”职场英语“competing just onApp01:22
我认为不能仅靠价格夺取市场份额”职场英语“competing just on
连加两周班,员工怨声载道”职场英语“in an uproarApp01:41
连加两周班,员工怨声载道”职场英语“in an uproar
向别人寻求建议“职场英语“turn to sb for adviceApp01:38
向别人寻求建议“职场英语“turn to sb for advice
还没确定具体日期”职场英语“haven't pin down the exact dateApp01:46
还没确定具体日期”职场英语“haven't pin down the exact date
与某人约时间干某事”职场英语“block a time with sb to do sthApp01:24
与某人约时间干某事”职场英语“block a time with sb to do sth
发邮件的时候,超我一份”职场英语“CC me when you send emailApp01:21
发邮件的时候,超我一份”职场英语“CC me when you send email
让我们谈谈产品缺陷的问题”职场英语“Let's move on to…App00:52
让我们谈谈产品缺陷的问题”职场英语“Let's move on to…
本季度业绩超预期,除此之外下季度…”职场英语“on top of thatApp01:45
本季度业绩超预期,除此之外下季度…”职场英语“on top of that
遇到困难首先想到的人”职场英语“the first jump to mindApp01:42
遇到困难首先想到的人”职场英语“the first jump to mind
让我们开始会议吧?”职场英语“let's get started,shall we?App01:15
让我们开始会议吧?”职场英语“let's get started,shall we?
今天会议的目的在于…”职场英语“the purpise of this meetingApp02:00
今天会议的目的在于…”职场英语“the purpise of this meeting
不能走一步看一步,你说呢?”职场英语“what do you thinkApp01:41
不能走一步看一步,你说呢?”职场英语“what do you think
说大话没用,年底看结果吧”职场英语“talk is cheap,we'll seeApp02:17
说大话没用,年底看结果吧”职场英语“talk is cheap,we'll see
别玩过了头,把重心放到工作上”职场英语“keep your eye on theApp01:51
别玩过了头,把重心放到工作上”职场英语“keep your eye on the
特别善于交往/合得来”职场英语“hit it off with sbApp02:21
特别善于交往/合得来”职场英语“hit it off with sb
老大不在,我们可以放松下”职场英语“the top dog is away soApp01:34
老大不在,我们可以放松下”职场英语“the top dog is away so
老板同意减少加班,这可能是醉酒之言”职场英语“the alcohol taApp01:49
老板同意减少加班,这可能是醉酒之言”职场英语“the alcohol ta
我们在找新供应商,只是未公布”职场英语It's still all hush-huApp01:22
我们在找新供应商,只是未公布”职场英语It's still all hush-hu
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