【ZH•商业诗歌】:2021•今日中英文诗歌《梦,依旧停留》;钢琴曲《精美的小屋》;IT彩画《清梦》。创作/呈现:庄华(ZH) 清晨醒来,竟然依旧睡着 在热汗淋漓的窗边 在鸟鸣清澈的晨曦 When the morning waking up, it even still sleeping In the sweat spreading de balcony In the birds singing de clear 清晨睡去,竟然依旧醒着 在睡梦之呼吸的深沉里 在安静与自然的世界 When the morning sleeping, it still even waking In the deepest breath between sleeping dreams In the quiet and nature world 许多的轻灵律动 许多的梦幻感知 许多的静静聆听 So many delightful rythems So many imaginations de feelings So many quietness de listening 在遥远的呼唤里 在近距的耳畔中 在心灵之交流中 In the far calling from universes In the close whisperings de besides In the communications de soul singings ZH