欢迎回来!今天我们用英文来练习一套瑜伽,可以帮你改善血液循环,强健脊椎,促进消化,强化免疫系统,增强柔韧性,还能顺便帮你练出盛夏小蛮腰。每天5-6分钟,方便快捷,可以选择在任何时间练习。 通过瑜伽获得健康,顺便开阔眼界,学学外语,准备好了吗?让我们开始吧! Welcome back! Today we have a yoga session in English focusing on your core a n d spine. It can help improve blood circulation, give you a happy spine, improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, and increase flexibility. It would also help you get slim waist, getting you ready for this summer! Just 5-6 minutes a day, easy and fast, you can practice at any time. Becoming healthier with yoga, while opening your horizon as you learn a new language, ready? Let’s get started!