欢迎回来!今天我用英文教大家一套专注核心肌群的瑜伽,可以帮你放松身心,改善血液循环,强化免疫系统,提高能量,增强柔韧性,还能顺便帮你练出盛夏小蛮腰。 通过瑜伽获得健康,顺便开阔眼界,学学外语,准备好了吗?让我们开始吧! Welcome back! Today we have a yoga session in English focusing on your core. It can help relax your body and mind, relieve tension, improve blood circulation, strengthen the immune system, and increase flexibility. It would also help you get slim waist, getting you ready for this summer! Becoming healthier with yoga, while opening your horizon as you learn a new language, ready? Let’s get started!