time total: 2h 45min working time: 1h resting time: 1h 45min flour: 300g sugar: 20g salt: 1 tsp dry yeast: 1tsp water: 205g butter 15g mix ingredients except butter, form a dough, knead 10 min. add butter, knead 10 min 1.proof at room temp. 1h deflate, divide in 6 pieces form balls, rest for 10 min. deflate, form balls again, sprinkle with flour, press with a chopstick 2. proof at room temp. for 30 min. 15 minutes 150℃ BGM: Sonata No. 17 in b flat major 1st movement - Mozart Facile - Kevin MacLeod Kevin MacLeod的Facile根据知识共享署名 4.0许可授权用户使用。 Jazz Piano Bar, Invitation to the Castle Ball - Doug Maxwell