早在清代,爱新觉罗弘历就写过如意湖,后经日本黑川纪章设计成形于郑州,再由我翻译并录音作此视频以记之! 如意湖(清-乾隆) 塞水恒流此处渟, 柳湖莲岛偶募形。 烟容波态皆如画, 属意悠然在杳冥。 A nameless river ever flows from the Great wall,yet it stays still here. Willows rest around the lake whilst lotuses scatter themselves on the small piece of land. Together with the river, a Ruyi-like area comes into being. I am intoxicated in such idyllic picture and my thought is endless, peaceful as well as cosy. #郑州如意湖#乾隆#英语翻译#黑川纪章