如何脫單-單身狗必看-最佳賢伉儷!史上最大聲-雷公電母-How to get rid of a single-a must-see for singles-The loudest in history 小時侯你有常被長輩們說,不要做壞事,飯要吃完不能浪費,否則會被雷公卡嗎? 雷雨前的閃電,總是看到就要立馬捂上耳朵,閃得多亮,就能在心中預估到雷聲有多大 這些故事的由來你知道嗎? When you were young, you were often told by your elders, don’t do bad things, you can’t waste your meal, otherwise you will get thunder card? The lightning before a thunderstorm always covers your ears immediately when you see it. How bright it flashes, you can predict how loud the thunder is in your heart Do you know the origin of these stories? #寶可夢 #皮卡丘 #雷公的由來 #電母 #二郎神 #最大聲 #金蓉說書 #玉皇大帝 #寡婦 #婆婆#糟踏食物#哮天犬#公雞#神仙下凡#雷神#三隻眼#辨人間善惡#天眼#雷公的起源