
地道英语 之 “赶紧说出来just spit it out”


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地道英语 之 “设身处地为某人着想put myself in sb's shoes”App03:00
地道英语 之 “设身处地为某人着想put myself in sb's shoes”
地道英语 之 “赶紧说出来just spit it out”App00:56
地道英语 之 “赶紧说出来just spit it out”
地道英语—委婉拒绝别人I'm afraid I have to...App02:23
地道英语—委婉拒绝别人I'm afraid I have to...
let someone slide on his mistake原谅某人App01:55
let someone slide on his mistake原谅某人
let it sit for now 暂时拖一拖App01:35
let it sit for now 暂时拖一拖
太好吃了怎么说?hit the spotApp01:09
太好吃了怎么说?hit the spot
顺便提到某事,mention sth in passingApp01:42
顺便提到某事,mention sth in passing
我快疯了,令我崩溃怎么说……driving me crazyApp01:37
我快疯了,令我崩溃怎么说……driving me crazy
totally at a loss 完全困惑App01:29
totally at a loss 完全困惑
每天一句地道英语。play it by ear 到时再说 到时再定App01:27
每天一句地道英语。play it by ear 到时再说 到时再定
sweep something under the rugApp01:51
sweep something under the rug
save one’s face 给某人留面子App01:25
save one’s face 给某人留面子
等待着最终结果waiting for the other shoe to dropApp01:52
等待着最终结果waiting for the other shoe to drop
in addition 此外,另外 承上启下App01:07
in addition 此外,另外 承上启下
跳槽怎么说来着? jump ship?App01:38
跳槽怎么说来着? jump ship?
the last thing I want我最不想看到的是……App01:00
the last thing I want我最不想看到的是……
地道英语 之 赞同别人,如何赞出马屁的味道……App01:36
地道英语 之 赞同别人,如何赞出马屁的味道……
Set in stone我想把这个放到石头里???App01:38
Set in stone我想把这个放到石头里???
turn off可不止关灯一个意思哟App00:58
turn off可不止关灯一个意思哟
just arround the corner 每天一句地道英语App02:10
just arround the corner 每天一句地道英语
a piece of the pie 份额 比例App01:40
a piece of the pie 份额 比例
have some's hands full with something忙于什么事情App01:26
have some's hands full with something忙于什么事情
miss the boat on 丢掉机会App01:11
miss the boat on 丢掉机会
we cannot afford to do something 我们绝不能干…App01:07
we cannot afford to do something 我们绝不能干…
“最后总结一下,……”职场英语“when all is said and done…App02:14
“最后总结一下,……”职场英语“when all is said and done…
一系列影响,多米诺效应”职场英语“a domino effectApp01:36
一系列影响,多米诺效应”职场英语“a domino effect
盈利非常困难”职场英语“got work cut out to turn a profitApp03:01
盈利非常困难”职场英语“got work cut out to turn a profit
“我不会报复他”职场英语“I won't wreak revenge on him”App01:41
“我不会报复他”职场英语“I won't wreak revenge on him”
充足睡眠有利于生产效率”职场英语“contribute to productivityApp02:12
充足睡眠有利于生产效率”职场英语“contribute to productivity
由于没能预见市场变化,销售业绩惨淡”职场英语“due to the …App01:54
由于没能预见市场变化,销售业绩惨淡”职场英语“due to the …
拼凑出一个方案为我们争取些时间”职场英语“cobble together…App02:38
拼凑出一个方案为我们争取些时间”职场英语“cobble together…
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