
miss the boat on 丢掉机会


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have some's hands full with something忙于什么事情App01:26
have some's hands full with something忙于什么事情
miss the boat on 丢掉机会App01:11
miss the boat on 丢掉机会
we cannot afford to do something 我们绝不能干…App01:07
we cannot afford to do something 我们绝不能干…
“最后总结一下,……”职场英语“when all is said and done…App02:14
“最后总结一下,……”职场英语“when all is said and done…
一系列影响,多米诺效应”职场英语“a domino effectApp01:36
一系列影响,多米诺效应”职场英语“a domino effect
盈利非常困难”职场英语“got work cut out to turn a profitApp03:01
盈利非常困难”职场英语“got work cut out to turn a profit
“我不会报复他”职场英语“I won't wreak revenge on him”App01:41
“我不会报复他”职场英语“I won't wreak revenge on him”
充足睡眠有利于生产效率”职场英语“contribute to productivityApp02:12
充足睡眠有利于生产效率”职场英语“contribute to productivity
由于没能预见市场变化,销售业绩惨淡”职场英语“due to the …App01:54
由于没能预见市场变化,销售业绩惨淡”职场英语“due to the …
拼凑出一个方案为我们争取些时间”职场英语“cobble together…App02:38
拼凑出一个方案为我们争取些时间”职场英语“cobble together…
停电时,我们只能借助发电机”职场英语“fall back on generatorApp02:37
停电时,我们只能借助发电机”职场英语“fall back on generator
“表面看计划很好,但仍要仔细考虑下”职场英语“chew over”App03:16
“表面看计划很好,但仍要仔细考虑下”职场英语“chew over”
充分利用我们的势头,继续前进”职场英语“make good use ofApp03:00
充分利用我们的势头,继续前进”职场英语“make good use of
贬低别人,夸大自己”职场英语“play down and play up sthApp03:00
贬低别人,夸大自己”职场英语“play down and play up sth
所有条款都要仔细检查”职场英语“put sth under microscope”App02:32
所有条款都要仔细检查”职场英语“put sth under microscope”
中国的5G技术远领先于其他国家”职场英语a cut above the otherApp02:00
中国的5G技术远领先于其他国家”职场英语a cut above the other
质量差异是由于产品长期使用造成的quality diiference crops uApp03:03
质量差异是由于产品长期使用造成的quality diiference crops u
“你应该咬紧牙关试下”职场英语“bite the bullet”App03:26
“你应该咬紧牙关试下”职场英语“bite the bullet”
他们拖拖拉拉,我要促进一下”职场英语“light a fire under …App03:20
他们拖拖拉拉,我要促进一下”职场英语“light a fire under …
按计划完成指标”职场英语“meet the quota on scheduleApp02:32
按计划完成指标”职场英语“meet the quota on schedule
ahead of schedule提前fall/slip behind schedule拖期App02:21
ahead of schedule提前fall/slip behind schedule拖期
别用这种口气跟我讲话”职场英语“in that tone of voiceApp01:53
别用这种口气跟我讲话”职场英语“in that tone of voice
“account 账户”的多个含义 职场英语每天学App03:45
“account 账户”的多个含义 职场英语每天学
起作用”职场英语“in playApp03:36
起作用”职场英语“in play
有优先权,领先优势”职场场英语“have precedence over sb/sthApp03:00
有优先权,领先优势”职场场英语“have precedence over sb/sth
如你所知,截止时间是今天”职场英语“as you know,deadline isApp01:59
如你所知,截止时间是今天”职场英语“as you know,deadline is
“做兼职滴滴司机,挣外快”职场英语“make quick money”App02:22
“做兼职滴滴司机,挣外快”职场英语“make quick money”
你可能认为,采取观望态度……”职场英语“you may think thatApp03:08
你可能认为,采取观望态度……”职场英语“you may think that
窥探研发部门的人需要被制止”职场英语“snoop around the R&DApp02:27
窥探研发部门的人需要被制止”职场英语“snoop around the R&D
“委婉表达可避免冲突,找到共同基础”职场英语“avoid conflictApp02:56
“委婉表达可避免冲突,找到共同基础”职场英语“avoid conflict
“年度绩效考评”职场英语“yearly performance review”App03:36
“年度绩效考评”职场英语“yearly performance review”
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