郎当岭,又名琅珰岭,古名扪壁岭。原指天竺山东,龙井村西,梅家坞村东北的山岭。习惯上把南起五云山,北至天竺一带山岗通称“郎当岭”。因山岗蜿蜒约数公里,又有“十里郎当”之称,即“十里琅珰”。郎当岭景区地质地貌以石灰岩为主,自然形成了峰峦叠秀,千姿百态的山林景观,是西湖群山中最高、最长的山岭,平均海拔在200米以上,视野开阔,澄静明秀。 Shi Li Lang Dang scenic area originally refers to the mountain range extending from the east of Tianzhu Hill and the northeast of Mei Jia Wu Village to the west of Longjing Village. The mountain ridge from Wuyun Hill to Tianzhu Hill is usually called Langdang ridge, stretches for miles from south to north, hence its name Shi Li Lang Dang, literally meaning 10 mile long langdang ridge,offering visitors with panoramic views of the scenic area.