拉丁语与印欧语言学 06 (中英双语) 拉丁语现在时和虚拟式的印欧语源头,对比梵语;贺拉斯诗歌阅读 III.4 Latin and Indo-European Linguistics 06 拉丁语与印欧语言学 Four/five classes of present and subjunctive in Latin; Comparison with Sanskrit; Historical explanation of present and subjunctive formations; Present vs Subjunctive 1st am-ā-re am-ē-s 1st ē subj. 2nd doc-ē-re mon-e-ā-s- 2nd ā subj 3rd ag-e-re leg-ā-s 3.-iō cap-e-re faci-ā-s 4. aud-ī-re veni-ā-s