



神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Using a spring swage. Forging tenonsApp04:41
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Using a spring swage. Forging tenons
神奇铁匠 Inline treadle hammer - LEGO proof of concept  -)App00:36
神奇铁匠 Inline treadle hammer - LEGO proof of concept -)
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging a cupping_rounding bolsterApp07:00
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging a cupping_rounding bolster
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging a larger decorative leafApp10:39
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging a larger decorative leaf
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging a nailApp03:08
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging a nail
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging my first 3lb rounding hammerApp16:14
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging my first 3lb rounding hammer
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Making a spring swageApp10:38
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Making a spring swage
神奇铁匠 Power hammer - Arrival_intro (2)App03:05
神奇铁匠 Power hammer - Arrival_intro (2)
神奇铁匠Power hammer - Mounts for foundation bolts (3)App04:16
神奇铁匠Power hammer - Mounts for foundation bolts (3)
神奇铁匠 Power hammer - Foundation pour (5)App05:48
神奇铁匠 Power hammer - Foundation pour (5)
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging a candle shaperApp11:15
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging a candle shaper
神奇铁匠 Power hammer - Preparation and move (6)App08:53
神奇铁匠 Power hammer - Preparation and move (6)
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging a flatterApp17:13
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging a flatter
神奇铁匠Power hammer - Foundation formwork (4)App03:43
神奇铁匠Power hammer - Foundation formwork (4)
神奇铁匠Power hammer - Forging and mounting the foundationApp07:44
神奇铁匠Power hammer - Forging and mounting the foundation
神奇铁匠 Power hammer - Test run (8)App01:27
神奇铁匠 Power hammer - Test run (8)
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging a flint strikerApp08:25
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging a flint striker
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging a candlestickApp12:41
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging a candlestick
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging a pair of fireplace tongsApp17:17
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging a pair of fireplace tongs
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Intro to the 25 kg ABNO power hammerApp02:47
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Intro to the 25 kg ABNO power hammer
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - My forgeApp06:21
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - My forge
神奇铁匠 Building our greenhouse 2016App18:07
神奇铁匠 Building our greenhouse 2016
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging a power hammer flatterApp15:46
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging a power hammer flatter
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging power hammer _ pickup tongsApp16:33
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging power hammer _ pickup tongs
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging an axe driftApp17:13
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging an axe drift
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Making a basic large trivetApp12:12
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Making a basic large trivet
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Making a oil fired forge _ furnaceApp06:30
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Making a oil fired forge _ furnace
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging a drawknifeApp19:26
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging a drawknife
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging a heart (60k sub video)App03:57
神奇铁匠Blacksmithing - Forging a heart (60k sub video)
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