
影子练习: 经典英文有声小说-Great Expectations


影子跟读:Shadowing and Imitation

影子练习: 经典英文有声小说-Far from the Madding CrowdApp156:24
影子练习: 经典英文有声小说-Far from the Madding Crowd
影子练习: 经典英文有声小说-Great ExpectationsApp152:08
影子练习: 经典英文有声小说-Great Expectations
影子练习: 经典英文有声小说-David Copperfield-Level 2App66:11
影子练习: 经典英文有声小说-David Copperfield-Level 2
影子练习: London-level1App25:52
影子练习: London-level1
影子练习: 经典英文有声小说-Pride and Prejudice -level 6App194:51
影子练习: 经典英文有声小说-Pride and Prejudice -level 6
影子练习: 经典英文有声小说-The Lady in the LakeApp61:28
影子练习: 经典英文有声小说-The Lady in the Lake
影子练习: 经典英文有声-The Little Red Hen (Level 1)App02:48
影子练习: 经典英文有声-The Little Red Hen (Level 1)
影子练习:The Love of a King-elementery levelApp55:07
影子练习:The Love of a King-elementery level
影子练习: 经典英文有声小说-The Mill on the Floss ( level 4 )App64:17
影子练习: 经典英文有声小说-The Mill on the Floss ( level 4 )
影子练习: 经典有声小说-The Old Woman and her pig (Level 1)App06:50
影子练习: 经典有声小说-The Old Woman and her pig (Level 1)
影子练习: 经典英文有声-The Turn of the ScrewApp63:56
影子练习: 经典英文有声-The Turn of the Screw
影子练习:英文有声-World Wonders (level 2)App79:09
影子练习:英文有声-World Wonders (level 2)
影子练习: 经典英文有声小说:The Last Kiss (inter level)App155:33
影子练习: 经典英文有声小说:The Last Kiss (inter level)
影子练习:经典英文有声-Wuthering Heights (Intermediate Level)App197:28
影子练习:经典英文有声-Wuthering Heights (Intermediate Level)
影子练习: 经典英文有声小说-雾都孤儿 by Charles DickensApp176:44
影子练习: 经典英文有声小说-雾都孤儿 by Charles Dickens
影子练习: 经典英文有声小说-Sense and SensibilityApp193:59
影子练习: 经典英文有声小说-Sense and Sensibility
影子跟读素材: 经典英文有声小说-Oliver TwistApp176:44
影子跟读素材: 经典英文有声小说-Oliver Twist
影子跟读素材: Mary Queen of Scots_Level 1App63:03
影子跟读素材: Mary Queen of Scots_Level 1
影子跟读素材: 经典英文有声小说-Oliver TwistApp176:10
影子跟读素材: 经典英文有声小说-Oliver Twist
影子跟读素材:经典英文有声小说-Great Expectations-Upper LevelApp147:27
影子跟读素材:经典英文有声小说-Great Expectations-Upper Level
影子跟读素材: A Christmas storyApp52:03
影子跟读素材: A Christmas story
影子跟读素材: The Abc Murders-intermediate levelApp254:06
影子跟读素材: The Abc Murders-intermediate level
影子跟读素材:经典英文有声小说-Emma by Jane AustenApp210:40
影子跟读素材:经典英文有声小说-Emma by Jane Austen
影子跟读素材: A Little PrincessApp65:17
影子跟读素材: A Little Princess
A Tale of Two Cities--by Charles DickensApp134:22
A Tale of Two Cities--by Charles Dickens
经典英文有声小说:Northanger Abbey-by Jane AustenApp236:25
经典英文有声小说:Northanger Abbey-by Jane Austen
British Accent Practice-News ArticleApp04:25
British Accent Practice-News Article
Pronunciation PoemApp03:06
Pronunciation Poem
News Article Voiceover for Practicing Your RP BritisApp03:01
News Article Voiceover for Practicing Your RP Britis
Learn English Through Story: EmmaApp210:40
Learn English Through Story: Emma
评论 16