
在餐馆 用流利的英语点餐 At the Restaurant Conversation


英语口语 Easy English

英语口语 What Have You Been DoingApp05:53
英语口语 What Have You Been Doing
在餐馆  用流利的英语点餐   At the Restaurant ConversationApp05:07
在餐馆 用流利的英语点餐 At the Restaurant Conversation
性格特征 用流利的英语描述 Appearance and PersonalityApp06:11
性格特征 用流利的英语描述 Appearance and Personality
英语日常口语中现在进行时  他们正在做什么 What are they doingApp05:48
英语日常口语中现在进行时 他们正在做什么 What are they doing
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用流利的英语谈论家务事 Talking about household chores
用流利英语谈论你将要做什么  Will be What are you going to doApp05:17
用流利英语谈论你将要做什么 Will be What are you going to do
在食品杂货店用流利的英语沟通  Shopping at the Grocery StoreApp05:49
在食品杂货店用流利的英语沟通 Shopping at the Grocery Store
英语日常口语现在完成时 最近做了什么What have you done latelyApp05:40
英语日常口语现在完成时 最近做了什么What have you done lately
家乡  用流利的英语谈论你的家乡 Talking about Your HometownApp06:37
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英语口语  感受和情绪描述  Feelings and emotions vocabularyApp05:25
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评论 115